Jumat, 14 September 2012

Aku sangat mengutuk sutradara film innocent of muslim...dan juga penguploadnya morris sadek..
Semoga kalian mendapat balasan dan hukuman yg setimpal dari Allah swt,atas segala perlakuan dan perbuatanmu.


Grant Orames mengatakan...

mana link dwnld nya??

Anonim mengatakan...

I love Muslims, so I make sure that …

There is no allusion to the prophet Muhammad in the Bible
There is no story about the prophet Muhammad in the Bible
There is no prophecy of the prophet Muhammad in the Bible

The Bible says, Jesus is the Son of God, .Jesus is the very image of God’s Substance.

EL-ZEIN NGULANDORO mengatakan...

Bible says Jesus is the son of God, Jesus is the
essence of the substance of God ...?
I do not believe that the gospels by the people
profess Christ, the gospels are already in fox edited
by Paulus.

EL-ZEIN NGULANDORO mengatakan...

Maaf silahkan anda cari link downloadnya di situs lain...terima kasih :)

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